For those who want to build their faith upon the solid rock of God’s word

What we offer…

Coffee Theology

Coffee Theology

Coffee Theology is a YouTube channel that seeks to offer genuine and honest discussion on topics that seldom get taught in today’s churches, while also addressing those that often do. To suggest topics click here.


Sermons and Podcasts

Sermons - coming soon

Classes - coming soon

Podcast - coming soon

Visual Learning Resources

Visual Learning Resources will provide a variety of tools such as charts, maps, timelines, and PowerPoint for those who are visual learners. One of Duane’s most popular products is his chartbook A Visual Guide to Latin Semantics., which is available now. Duane also has over fifty full-color charts, timelines, and maps that he will be making available once the best format for doing so is determined (i.e.; book, poster, PDF, etc.).


Duane was called to be a pastor at the age of eleven and has been in the ministry now for over twenty years. He started his biblical education at Word of Life Bible Institute in Schroon Lake, NY. He continued his education receiving a Bachelor of Arts at Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, MI with a major in Biblical and Interdisciplinary Studies and a minor in Biblical Greek. He went on to earn his Master of Divinity at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, CA, where he furthered his knowledge of Greek and learned ancient Hebrew. He went on to learn Latin, teaching it at the high school level for ten years. Duane’s interests go beyond linguistics, however, for he is an avid student and teacher of history while also delving deep into the various sciences. Even more importantly, twenty plus years of ministry, almost half of which was in a cross-cultural context, have truly tried and tested Duane, as his faults and weaknesses became evident and his strengths slowly rose to the surface.

Duane seeks to bring all of this to the table as he produces various resources for helping others grow in their faith. This has resulted in material that is intellectually stimulating and theologically deep, spanning various disciplines. At the same time the material is applicable, practical, genuine, and relevant. Offering these resources to the world will hopefully result in others being able to boast that they first and foremost understand and know God.